100Grannies has written 4 children’s books

100Grannies’ motto, as printed on their green shirts, is Educate, Advocate, and Agitate. We have quite a few former teachers in our membership, so we decided to write children’s books as an educational endeavor.

Our first book was “Granny Green’s Thankful Book”. This book focuses on things that Granny and her granddaughter, Sophie, are thankful for and how to take care of the earth and nature so we will continue to have those things in our lives. This book is aimed at younger school aged children.

Our next book was “Granny Green’s T-shirt Bag”. This book was about recycling. Granny showed Sophie and her friends how to make a t-shirt bag out of an old t-shirt.

The third book, “Granny Green’s Friendly Yard”, talks about why we shouldn’t use pesticides on our yards or gardens.

The latest book is “Granny Green and Friends Visit a Family Farm”. This book is for children in 4th grade and up. Granny and friends learn about a better way to raise animals on a farm.

All four books are available for sale at Prairie Lights bookstore in Iowa City.

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