Iowa Public Radio – Talk of Iowa interview with Charity Nebbe

100Grannies reflect on a decade of agitating and advocating for a cleaner environment

Iowa Public Radio show “Talk of Iowa” with Charity Nebbe on April 21, 2022

While the younger generations may have to live with the effects of climate change for longer, it’s a mistake to think that older generations aren’t worried about the future of our planet.

Ten years ago, an Episcopal priest convened a table of friends and friends of friends to talk about the growing climate crisis. During a meeting that would become known as the “First Supper,” Barbara Schlachter committed the group to making the world a greener place for their grandchildren: The 100 Grannies, a women-led environmental advocacy group, was born.

On this episode of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe speaks with Ann Christensen and Becky Ross about how participating with the Grannies changed their lives and relationships with political activism.

Link here to listen to the full interview

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