Climate Crisis Parade Saturday, Feb 1, 2020

Climate Crisis Parade: We Challenge YOU! …

As individuals and organizations, we’re all doing amazing work to raise awareness about the impending catastrophes that are guaranteed if we do nothing to combat climate change. Unfortunately, a large segment of America still has a blind spot about what’s happening and what we need to do. That includes the mainstream media, whose coverage of climate change during this presidential campaign has been weak, and insufficient to fully inform the American public.

In Iowa, because of our first-in-the-nation status in the presidential election, we have a huge opportunity to influence the media and the public across the country. Most Democratic candidates have elevated climate in their agendas, which is great. The press, however, has remained largely silent. This needs to change.

For Iowans, now is the time for us to take our message about the reality of climate change to the media and the general public. Des Moines will be swarming with national and international media during the days leading up to the Caucuses on February 3. That gives us just enough time to work together on a MAJOR CLIMATE ACTION FOCUSED ON THE MEDIA. Will you join us?

We envision a multi-layered event involving the broadest possible coalition of climate advocates and activists, with representation from all segments of society.

Organizing such an action involves a whole lot of work, and your input would be valuable. Here are the details so far:

  •  Date: Saturday, February 1
    · Location: Downtown Des Moines
    · Vision: 1,000+ people participating in a multi-faceted action
    · Tone: Civil and non-violent, urgent and imperative
    · Rally: Gather in downtown for speeches, music, chants
    · Parade through the streets or the Skywalk to the Iowa Events Center with signs and chants, with participating organizations customizing their parade
    “float.” For example, 100 Grannies might build a “float” around their replica of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Other groups are discussing a “species extinction parade float” — with large cu-outs of the species that have gone extinct because of climate change or that are threatened with extinction. It is also important that the parade bring attention to the constituencies already being impacted by the climate crisis — minority communities, Indigenous peoples, and other front-line communities.
    ·         Die-in: At the Iowa Events Center, a dramatization of the threat of extinction in the face of the media’s silence.
    ·Other ideas:
    Dancing, banging drums, chanting during the parade.Brainstorming continues on our weekly steering committee calls.

Over 50 organizations are working together to bring this action to fruition, and we are actively soliciting more, including yours!  We are:

  1. 100Grannies for a Liveable Future
  2. Bold Iowa
  3. Catholic Peace Ministry
  4. Citizens Climate Lobby, Des Moines
  5. Citizens Climate Lobby, Iowa City
  6. Citizens Climate Lobby, Mason City
  7. Climate March
  8. Creative Visions
  9. Des Moines Citizens Task Force for Sustainability
  10. Des Moines Valley Friends (Quaker)
  11. Environment Iowa
  12. Indigenous Iowa
  13. Interfaith Green Coalition
  14. Iowa Climate Strike
  15. Iowa Interfaith Power and Light
  16. League of United Latin American Citizens, Council 307
  17. Methodist Federation for Social Action
  18. Moms Clean Air Force
  19. NAACP, Des Moines
  20. Physicians for Social Responsibility, Iowa
  21. Physicians for Social Responsibility, National
  22. Seeding Sovereignty
  23. Student Climate Strike, Iowa City
  24. UI Environmental Coalition
  25. Urban Ambassadors
  26. Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Des Moines Branch

Here’s what we’re asking; please let us know which of these levels of involvement your group would like to have:

  • Will you agree to be listed as a co-sponsoring organization?
    ·Would you like to join our weekly steering committee call (usually Wed, 8:00 pm)?
    ·  Will you help promote the event?
    ·  Will you participate in the action on February 1?
    ·  Will you provide a “float” for the parade (see details above)?

Please join us. Thank you!
Steering Committee members:

Kathy Byrnes, Bold Iowa
Heather Christensen, Urban Ambassadors
Eloise Cranke, Methodist Federation for Social Action
Ed Fallon, Bold Iowa
Miriam Kashia, 100 Grannies for a Livable Future
Kelcie Kraft, Urban Ambassadors
Patti McKee, Catholic Peace Ministry
Christine Nobiss, Seeding Sovereignty
Kari Noble, Citizens Climate Lobby
Lydia Pesek, Student Climate Strike, Des Moines
Matt Russell, Iowa Interfaith Power and Light
Lois Schultz, Interfaith Green Coalition
Steve Shivvers, Citizens Climate Lobby and Des Moines Valley Friends Meeting
Karin Stein, Moms Clean Air Force
Carolyn Walker, Citizens Task Force on Sustainability DSM


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