Letter to Future Generations: Let’s talk trash

To the future generations:

I am becoming aware of the problem. Let’s talk trash. Did you know a dump was found of an ancient civilization containing just stones for grinding maize, beads, jade, broken pottery and figurines?

The current landfill in Iowa City was built in 1972, with expected fill date of 2020. That’s just under 50 years. It’s filling up but over 70 percent can be composted or recycled. So, I need to change. I need to learn what I can do to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

So today was garbage day. What did my garbage include? I found a pizza box, paper plates, napkins, coffee grounds, scrapes of fruits, old pet food, potato peelings, shrimp tails, and dried up chicken that are all compostable. So into yard waste container they went. I also found paper coffee cup and wrapper, and plastic grape and coffee creamer container, so into recycle box they go. And no sorting!

Now, every time I throw something in waste basket, I will ask: Is it recyclable? Is it compostable? I will become informed on what my community provides for saving landfills.

So to my grandkids and great grandkids, I am trying. I will change.

— Charlene Lange, Iowa City

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