Climate Crisis Parade sign up

To ALL Grannies ready to ACT for climate (that’s everybody):

You are needed to help spread the work regarding the Climate Crisis Parade being held Feb. 1st in Des Moines, Iowa; the focus is on encouraging the national media (who will be in Des Moines to cover the Iowa caucuses) to expand their coverage of humanity’s climate crisis.  We are seeking LARGE participation! See bottom of this message for details regarding the parade.

The steering committee for the Climate Crisis Parade is ready to launch the event on Facebook on Tuesday, December 10 at 5:30 p.m.  We need everyone’s help in spreading the word on Facebook or by email soon after the launch in order for it to have the most impact and the broadest coverage.   According to our young, savvy techsters (i.e., Kelcie, Heather, Samantha), it’s really important to have a huge impact at the very start of the launch.

Please ask your Facebook members to (1) Click “going” or “interested,” and (2) Share the Climate Crisis Parade event page with others, and (3) “like the event”. If that time slot doesn’t work, later that evening or on December 11 would be helpful, too.

If you are somewhat new to Facebook, below are step-by-step directions for sending the announcement on Facebook.  Also, at the bottom of this email is more information about the Climate Crisis Parade. Many Grannies are a bit daunted by FB and other tech stuff.  Please give it a try, but if the following directions don’t work for you, your backup is to cc & paste this info and email it to as many of your friends and family as you possibly can and invite them to use FB to spread the word. We need this to be an avalanche of support!  THIS LAUNCH IS VERY IMPORTANT IN SECURING THE KIND OF ATTENTION WE NEED FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE PARADE.


Here are some tips on how to interact with the Climate Crisis Parade when the event is launched on Facebook. The launch occurs at 5:30 PM on December 10 and will be the first time that the event will be seen publicly. In order to increase the event’s public visibility, it is important to get as many people as we can to mark “Going” and to “Share” the event during the 5:30-7:30 PM time period.

  • Plan to log on to Facebook from 5:30 – 7:30 PM on Tuesday, December 10 and find the event “Climate Crisis Paradeand Select that you are “Going” to the
  • Utilize the “SHARE” options for the event. “Invite Friends” to the event. “Share in Messenger” will share the event in a private message to friends that you select. “Share as Post” will let you share the event on your timeline or as a post.
  • If you are the administrator of one of the organizations that have been asked to co-host the event, you will see a notice to accept the offer to co-host. Accept the offer to co-host to have the event show your organization.
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