What will make us change our way of living? (19 Aug 2018)

To the future generations:

It’s August 2018. Many are joining the ranks to save your world: Technologies are being developed, countries and cities are joining in. But we need many more.

This is not just a local issue but a global issue. When you change one thing, it affects all. What will it take to change our ways?

Pictures of ocean trash that is killing sea life and corals and affecting our food supply?

News releases of forest fires and trees destroyed by beetles?

Growing lists of endangered or extinct animals?

Loss of glaciers in our National Parks?

Increases in skin problems, breathing problems and cancer in our children and grandchildren?

Scientific articles on changes in temperature, air and water quality and its effects?

Stories of climate refugees trying to find a place to live that isn’t under seawater, contaminated by chemical and animal wastes, and that offers drinkable water?

Governments refusing to act or enacting laws to alter our land, air and parks?

All this is happening, but there is much to do. I will inform. I will support. I will learn. I will advocate. I will change. Will you?

Charlene Lange, Iowa City

[Source: The Gazette, 19 Aug 2018]

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