Pat Bowen on Bakken January 26, 2015

We can’t risk Bakken pipeline in Iowa

The Iowa Utilities Board has been formally asked to approve the application submitted by Dakota Access LLC, a subsidiary of Energy Transfer Partners for its plans for a crude oil pipeline that would slice diagonally across Iowa counties, affecting 18 counties.

One of the selling points is Dakota Access/ETP has said the project would have an Iowa economic impact of $1.1 billion during two years of construction, creating enough work to keep 7,600 workers employed for a year. I have also heard the number 2,000 for six months. However, I have not heard where these workers will come from. Will they be Iowans? Or will the workers be moved in from some other state because Iowans will not have the expertise or skills to perform the work required? Has this question been asked and answered yet?

I am opposed to the pipeline project on many levels, the most important one being the impact on our environment, which includes our agricultural land as well as the water and air. Can we afford the risk to Iowa and its citizens for some temporary jobs that may not even go to Iowans? The risk we will take on will be long term, expensive and harmful to our health when the spill occurs. With spills happening quite frequently, what is the guarantee Iowa will not see a spill? There is none.

Write the IUB, 1375 E. Court Ave., Room 69, Des Moines, IA 50319-0069; use Docket No HLP-2014-0001 and your state legislature and say “No” to the Bakken Pipeline.

Pat Bowen

Iowa City

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