Please come and participate in a rally on Sunday, September 21st (2014) at 2:00 pm on the Ped Mall, downtown Iowa City. This rally coincides with the People’s Climate March through midtown Manhattan taking place two days before a United Nations summit that will lay the groundwork for climate-change treaty talks next year in Paris.
Not everyone of us can go to NY City to join the People’s Climate March there, but we can all participate in this one! We are looking for young and old and inbetween, everyone who cares about the future of the world. And we will be counted! We will meet at the Ped Mall at 2 pm outside Congressman Loebsack’s office and march to the County Building on S. Dubuque, back to President Mason’s office in Jessup Hall on the Pentacrest, then to City Hall and back to the Ped Mall where the rally for non-violence, including environmental and climate violence, will be held. At each of the offices a “Climate Manifesto” will be presented with specific urgent demands respectfully submitted.
All church groups, peace groups and anyone who works to practice active nonviolence toward the world, its creatures and creation are urged to participate.
I would also urge you to watch this documentary:
Becky Ross