Introduction to Drawdown 30 Sep 2019

Reversing Global Warming: Introduction
to Drawdown
Fee: none. no registration.
Membership Not Required
Monday, 9/30
6:30 – 8:30 PM in room 202
Presenters: Sally Hartman, Virginia Melroy, Deb
Are you interested in solutions to climate
change that go beyond solar panels and
energy efficient light bulbs? Would you like
to learn what you can do to help reverse
global warming? This 2-hour workshop
invites participants to see both the possibility
of reversing global warming and that they
have an important role to play in that
process. Project Drawdown is a scientific
study that identified 100 solutions that, if
implemented together, can begin to roll back
global warming by 2050. These 100 solutions,
which are already being implemented in
many places around the world, include the
areas of energy, agriculture, forests, industry,
buildings, and transportation. One of the
goals of Drawdown is to promote climate
change in a positive way and shows us what
we can do. As Drawdown editor Paul Hawken
says, β€œIs it game over or game on? I choose
game on.” We hope you will join us for this
important program. There will be a follow-
up session on November 4 at 6:30 PM to
discuss ways you can get engaged and make a
difference in our community.

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