By our members – op ed’s and letters

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Connie Mutel, op ed, November 17, 2018
Terri Macey, op ed, November 17, 2018
LTE to Press-Citizen, November 17, 2018, by Charlene Lange
LTE to Press-Citizen, October 23, 2018, by Charlene Lange – No shopping until I drop this Christmas
LTE to Press-Citizen, Wednesday, August 22, 2018, by Charlene Lange:

What will make us change our way of living?

To the future generations: It’s August 2018. Many are joining the ranks to save your world: technologies are being developed, countries and cities are joining in. But we need many more to help save your world. This is not just a local issue but a global issue. When you pull one string, it affects all. What will it take to change our ways?

Pictures of ocean trash that is killing sea life and corals and affecting our food supply?

News releases of forest fires and trees destroyed by beetles?

Growing list of endangered or extinct animals?

Pictures and stories of refugees trying to stay alive in a foreign country?

Loss of glaciers in our national parks?

Increase in skin problems, breathing problems and cancer in our children and grandchildren?

Scientific articles on changes in temperature, air and water quality and its effects?

Stories of climate refugees trying to find a place to live that isn’t under seawater, land uncontaminated by chemical and animal wastes, water that is drinkable?

Governments refusing to act or enacting laws to alter our land, air and parks?

All this is happening but there is much to do. I will inform. I will support. I will learn. I will advocate. I will change.

— Charlene Lange, Iowa City

LTE to Press-Citizen, Saturday, July 14, 2018, by Charlene Lange:

Good time to make the switch to solar

To the future generations: I am trying to do my part to make a better world for you by reducing my carbon footprint.

I have done my research. Johnson County is offering a program called Solarize Johnson County.

There are great incentives and tax credits to do this now.

Installing solar will give you 30 percent federal tax credit and 50 percent of fed tax credit for Iowa State tax credit.

If you sign up before Aug. 31, you get at least 20 cents per watt equal to $1,000 for a 5 kW system.

You also get discounts the more kilowatts they install.

But most important, if you install just five solar panels you reduce carbon footprint of 5 or more tons of waste sent to landfill or three or more passenger cars emissions.

Now is a good time to change to solar. So check out Solarize Johnson County or your local county.

I am going solar for my electricity. I am trying to make this better world for you, the future generations.

— Charlene Lange, Iowa City

 Miriam K and Sandy A in Little Village issue 246

Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions

Barbara and Ann featured in Blue Planet

Ask anyone where they were when they heard about the attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11, or – if they are of my generation – where they were when they heard about the assassination of President Kennedy.

These moments are seared forever in our minds.

I had a similar moment at Christmas in 2010. I was sitting in the living room of the home in which I had grown up, by the fireplace, with the rest of my family. We were reading and chatting. Toddler grandson Matthew was in bed, and the day before my daughter and son-in-law announced they were expecting another child. …

P-C article (deleted): 100 Grannies proving activism knows no age


p-c article

The poem “Verb Streams” from Nancy Cogan Adams is now here.

The Guardian article about the 90 companies that cause global warming is now here.

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