Action item – Write letters asking the DNR to deny water use permits by Summit CO2 pipeline

An action item for Grannies and other concerned citizens is to write to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regarding the pipeline and the extreme amount of Iowa water that they will use.  The DNR must grant water use permits by Summit for the CO2 pipeline.  The person to write to at the DNR is:

Mike Anderson, Senior Environmental Engineer, 6200 Park Avenue  Suite 2, Des Moines, IA 50310 .

Or you can email a letter to:

Your message should be brief.  Include your name and address.  Below are some points that can be mentioned to support your opposition to the DNR granting water use permits to Summit:

  • From Jessica Wiskus’s powerpoint: From the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy:   “Large scale deployment of carbon capture could double the water footprint of humanity.  Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is the technology that. has the highest water footprint per tonne of CO2 captured. There are already many reasons for concern about whether  future food, energy, and fiber needs can be met using the limited fresh water uses of the planet.  The projected water requirements for CCS are of paramount concern and should be accounted for in the development of future climate policies.”
  • Encourage DNR to consider these water use applications from Summit together – not as individual permits.
  • Water is a “public wealth ” and must be used reasonably.  This means reason backed by science and full understanding of how much water CCS uses. We must protect our water
  • CCS is a new technology for the state of Iowa. The DNR must take responsibility to develop a scientific understanding of the impact of carbon capture on water use.
  • The amount of water to be drawn from the aquifers is excessive and will endanger the Iowa water supply for all of us.
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