Barbara Schlachter Memorial Lecture Series
Mondays, 3/4 – 3/25 Fee: none. no registration; Membership Not Required; 6:30 – 8 Pm in room 202; Organizer: 100 Grannies
3/4: Weathering the Recycling Storm
Recycling programs across the country are
finding ways to adjust to the turbulence in
recycling markets around the world. In Iowa,
we have already felt some local impacts from
the global recycling crisis. In this presentation,
you will learn why the markets are fluctuating,
how it’s impacting our local recycling
programs, and what you can do to help the
recycling industry recover.
Beth MacKenzie is the Recycling Coordinator for
the University of Iowa and has been serving in this
role for 2.5 years. Prior to moving to Iowa, Beth
earned her Master’s Degree from Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville and worked in the St.
Louis sustainability sector for 10 years.
3/11: What You Should Know About
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
John will be speaking on the importance of
environmental, social, and economic issues
related to the large-confinement livestock and
poultry operations that are proliferating rural
Iowa, and sustainability with an emphasis on
agriculture and economics.
John Ikerd, Professor Emeritus of Agricultural
Economics, was raised on a small dairy farm in
southwest Missouri and received his BS, MS, and
Ph.D. degrees in agricultural economics from
the University of Missouri. He worked in private
industry for a time and spent thirty years in
various professorial positions at four different state
universities before retiring in early 2000. He is the
author of six published books.
3/18: Our Best Shot!
Peter Rolnick will talk briefly about how we
are profoundly changing our climate, but
will mostly focus on what can be done and
on the one first step that will give us the best
shot at avoiding catastrophe for our children
and grandchildren: a revenue-neutral price
on greenhouse gas emissions. He will also
talk about the importance the nonpartisan
approach of Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Science,
economics, politics and human behavior.
Peter Rolnick is a retired college physics teacher and
currently the Iowa State Coordinator for Citizens’
Climate Lobby (CCL). After retirement he decided
to put his energy into the one problem (of many!)
that to him is the most pressing: the risk that our
changing climate will irreversibly and profoundly
alter our world.
3/25: The Iowa Watershed Approach:
We’re All In!
This presentation will focus on the Iowa
Watershed Approach (IWA) Flood Mitigation
Program and its efforts to make communities
more resilient to floods. Key objectives include
demonstrating the use of interactive maps and
tools for flood management, highlighting the
progress towards flood mitigation planning
efforts, and modernizing resources to support
education and communication about flood risk
to communities with a strong emphasis on the
importance of engaging partnerships and local